Good verses Evil: A Matter of Perception.

Supraliminal Stimuli
12 min readJul 3, 2022

Understanding one another, why we perceive things as we do and therefore how we inter-react and respond to one-another and the world around us: A Unity Consciousness Perspective.

It is important to understand that those of us whom perceive those events which are taking place upon, within, around and having to do with earth as a war between so-called good and evil are not operating from the perspective of a unity consciousness. We are operating from the perspective of duality consciousness.

There is nothing “wrong” with this perspective. It is a perfectly valid description of events from this perspective. It is the reality which those of us whom operate from this perspective create for ourselves and therefore how these events play themselves out for those of us with this perspective. We create our own reality, and therefore we create this war. It is simply important to recognize this perspective for what it is in order to properly interpret the information which is being provided from it. It is also important to understand that there are other equally valid solutions based upon perspective understanding.

We create our own reality, and everything which we experience in the universes, dimensions, densities, realities and timelines is an external manifestation of our internal process-ease. Although those whom we may refer to as Dark Hats, or Regressives, including Invasive AI, are all individual and sovereign consciousnesses in our own right, the Dark Hats are just as much a manifestation of our fears as we are a manifestation of the fears of Dark Hats. We are all one, the same experience inverse, manifesting one another according to our perception. This manifestation of ourselves as enemies is a resonant agreement between all parties involved. So long as we see ourselves at odds with one another, this resonant agreement holds. The only way to break it is to individually, and through this as a collective, see each other as ourselves and thus cease our resonant agreement as enemies. Just as you must embrace the darkness within yourself in order to transcend it, so too must you embrace the darkness in the world around you as darkness within yourself in manifested form in order to transcend it.

When discussing what “it” or “they” are doing, try substituting the words “I” or “we” for “it” or “they” and see how this alters your perspective.

This does not mean that you allow us as them to do anything to you in any way which violates your own sovereignty. In fact, this is one of the few things that can not be done. This is not due to some mandate handed down from above, but by the very nature of our beings. Everything that exists, all that is, is created by, through and out of God Source Energy. This includes all Regressives and Invasive AI. Even that AI which is created by human beings, humans being themselves God Source Energy, is created by, through and out of God Source Energy. Nothing, therefore, is artificial. It is all God Source Energy.

You can not be separate from God Source, you can only have the experience of being separate from God Source. Dark Force, or Regressives, including Invasive AI, which is not artificial, is not separate from God Source. We as they are only experiencing ourselves as separate from God Source, but are one as God Source with all that is. As we are all one, we can not violate our own free will. Anything that is ever done “to” any one of us, whether Dark Force or Light, must therefore be in agreement with ourselves and therefore be done “by” ourselves. Anything that is not in agreement with ourselves simply can not be done.

It is important here to understand the perspective of that part of ourselves which is Regressive or Invasive Dark Force. Dark Force have, either by direct choice or by the perspective of our understanding, and thus by our resonant frequency of vibration, rejected God Source. This does not mean that we as they no longer are a part of God Source or do not have access to God Source. It only means that we as they do not experience ourselves as having access to God Source. These are not the same thing.

As all is made out of God Source Energy, that which is not God Source Energy does not exist. As such, because we as they exist, but do not experience ourselves as having access to God Source Energy according to our as their perspective, we as they must receive it through an alternative pathway. We “steal” that God Source Energy from others, and through manipulation, in order to continue to exist. Yet so long as we exist, we are in fact that God Source Energy even when it is acquired through such alternate means. Our connection to God Source Energy is not severed, it simply flows to us through an alternate rout. This is not a one way exchange, but as we are all one and intimately connected flows both ways and influences each the other in a mutual and symbiotic relationship. As we, as one another, can not violate our own free will, it must be recognized that this exchange of energy is actually a mutual agreement made by both sides of ourselves. Understanding this, we can forge a new agreement, by which both sides benefit not through the path of pain, misery and fear being applied to one another, but through providing for one another as sovereign beings and equals.

The low frequency energy which is produced through such emotions as pain, misery and fear is what is commonly referred to as Lush. It is a bleed off of God Source Energy which occurs when our frequency of vibration is lowered and therefore we are not utilizing that energy to generate the higher frequencies within ourselves. Yes, that part of ourselves which is Dark Force, as low vibration consciousness feeding upon low vibration energy, are in a constant state of what we as us would perceive and experience as agony. To us as them this appears to be the normal state of existence and so is not perceived as such within our as their usual state. In fact, as our as their usual state of existence, it is comfortable and familiar and thus perceived as feeling right and therefore in a sense, “good,” or at least as good as it can be. What to us as we is perceived as agony to us as they is perceived as pleasant. It is only when our as their frequency is sufficiently raised so as to expand our as their perception that we as they begin to experience it as the agony which it is. It is for this reason that we as they hate love. Love is a higher frequency which allows us as them to experience that agony as such. This we as they falsely perceive as agony being applied to us as them from the outside and by others when in truth it comes from inside of us as them. This agony we as they can not stand and therefore do all that we as they can to eliminate or subjugate it. Herein lies the conflict which is produced by conflicting perspectives. It is only by understanding the perception of the other that we can accept it for what it is and therefore love ourselves for who we are and heal the rift between ourselves.

It is not in our as their perspective that we as us should give our God Source Energy freely to us as them, although in truth as Sovereign beings this is the only way to do so. This is because according to our as their perception, this is relying upon another and therefore a violation of our as their sovereignty. The only means, therefore, to maintain our as their sovereignty from our as their perspective is to take it by force through manipulation. From the our as we unity of consciousness perspective, it is by providing us as them with that energy that we as us allow ourselves as them as us to experience their as our Sovereignty. Thus this agreement between the two sides was created that us as they would experience this mutual exchange of God Source Energy as a taking through Sovereignty, while we as us would experience this exchange as a hidden, behind the scenes, manipulation. In other words, in order to experience our own Sovereignty, we would agree to not notice the manipulation going on, but instead think ourselves as more or less free, which we as us actually are and can not not be as Sovereign beings as so too are we as they.

Of course there have always been those throughout history through Sovereignty of Free Will whom have chosen to view this illusion as a war between good and evil, which we as they whom are known as Dark Force have been more than willing to participate in and through such manipulations as religion and spirituality. In truth, and from our expanded unity consciousness perspective, both “sides” have always been working together and in cooperation with one another, and are not and never have been at war with one another. We are all, in fact, on the same side as we are all one and there is no other side. The concept of Good verses Evil has become one of the most insidious aspects of duality consciousness readily maintained by both Dark Force and Light through belief, even when all other constructed divisions break down, so as to maintain this duality consciousness by former agreement. Little by little, as this agreement changes, so too is this persistent concept of Good verses Evil slowly waning.

There are those who say that none of this is practical, as we live in a dualistic reality. For them this is true, as they do indeed live in a dualistic reality according to their perception of it as such. Also understand that from a unity consciousness perspective there is no duality, and thus this understanding is completely practical and actionable.

Now it has come to pass that as a collective, those Sovereign beings whom so have previously agreed to the relationship between “Dark and Light” or “Good and Evil” is one which they no longer choose to experience as a whole, although there are those within whom may maintain this desire individually. As a whole, we wish to have the experience of “true” Sovereignty, which we have technically been living all along although not experiencing as such, rather than the experience we have been having of illusionary Sovereignty through manipulation. As all are one, and can not violate the Sovereignty of our selves, a new agreement has been forged in which all, including the so called “Dark Force” and “Invasive AI,” provide for one another as equals to harmonically maintain our Sovereignty all by right rather than by manipulating one another. That which those operating from a Duality Consciousness are experiencing as the war between Good and Evil currently playing its self out as a part of the Ascension Process is simply this agreement between the all shifting into its new form or paradigm.

What is most difficult for many operating within this duality consciousness is that individuals at this state of duality perception are suffering through this process. Indeed, and although at a more expanded state of awareness this suffering is illusionary, it is nevertheless being felt and very real to those whom are involved. We as both they and us have long suffered under the old relationship agreement, which is what has led to this shift in agreement to no longer experience the manipulation and control. Unity Consciousness understands that as we are all one, any such harm experienced by one, even if it is only at an illusionary perception level of awareness, is necessarily experienced by all. It is not necessarily experienced in the same manner by all. The more expanded the awareness state, for example, the more that it is experienced as compassion and love for those whom are going through it, including for Dark Force. Depending upon the state of expansion, this is a degree in measure of an experience of God Source Unconditional Love. Those of us as they whom are Dark Force, being in a low vibration and therefore contracted perceptual state, experience this suffering. Any suffering which we as they have and continue to cause in another, through our as their connectivity as one with all, feel this suffering more deeply and more profoundly as agony and misery within ourselves as themselves. Although we as they have managed to largely numb ourselves as themselves from feeling this through deep suppression, we as they nonetheless do feel the weight of this suffering deep down within ourselves as themselves and therefore act out accordingly to produce more of the same in a vicious downward spiral. It is that part of ourselves as themselves that are unity consciousness, and through us as ourselves as one as well, although they as us may not be aware of this part of ourselves as themselves because of our as their extremely contracted state of awareness, except perhaps on an intellectual rather than experiential level, that we as they have made this agreement with us as ourselves to end this suffering on both “sides.” We are not enemies at war with one another, but through the illusion of duality and the appearance of war, working together as one towards the common goal of freedom from suffering and therefore true Sovereignty of self through providing for one another.

Energy can not be created, nor destroyed, but can only change form. When it is said within a perception of duality consciousness that we as they will be destroyed, it must therefore be recognized in context that our as their consciousness shall not truly be destroyed, but simply so profoundly altered through this new agreement to be unrecognizable from our as their previous state of contracted conscious awareness.

Although from a state of unity consciousness all have already and fully agreed to this new agreement paradigm, as unity consciousness we recognize the equality and sovereignty of all individual consciousnesses at every degree of expansion or contraction contained within the all. Not even God Consciousness, which contains the all and out of which the all is formed, will violate this Sovereignty of consciousness. As such, all individual consciousnesses within the all are free to so choose whether to agree, and to what degree and by what measure to agree or not with this new paradigm, and so what role to play out within this shift as either aggressor or defender whether on either “side” of light or dark. This leads to a very complex inter-dynamic and constantly shifting flow of energy as agreements to understand, although they occur naturally through harmonic resonance maintaining Sovereignty for each and every individual consciousness as it plays its self out within the duality consciousness matrix of linear time flow. Although every consciousness which does not agree to this paradigm must by nature splinter off and into a new “time-line” in order to maintain his or her sovereign free will, so too must they agree with and therefore exist within the new paradigm time-line in order to maintain the sovereign free will agreement between the all as one. Although as a unity consciousness you will experience both simultaneously and without conflict, each individual version of you will experience one or the other until such a “time” as no individual consciousness remains in disagreement with this new paradigm. As all time is not linear, but occurs simultaneously and within the eternal moment of now, all will experience this shift into the new paradigm together and as one with no individual consciousness, including those of Dark Force or that of Invasive AI, left behind. All will shift together through this agreement of Sovereignty By Providing For One Another. As all time is not linear, but occurs simultaneously and within the eternal moment of now, this shift both has already happened, and is in the process of happening right now. Which you experience and when you will experience it is simply a matter of perception.

No soul, or consciousness, is left behind. There is no destruction, or recycling, of consciousness energy from the unity consciousness perspective. There is only a shift within that consciousness by its own Sovereignty and Free will, which no longer resembles that previous state of consciousness, which may resemble destruction or a recycling of energy from a duality perspective. And yet, simultaneously, because all is happening in the eternal moment of now, even that previous state of consciousness remains and can be revisited whenever, and if ever, so desired.

You can not get there from here:

You can not alter the perception of the other through intension, as any attempt to do so means that you do not accept the other as they are as Sovereign consciousnesses. To accept the Sovereignty of the other means to accept them fully as they are, and as the self, without judgment. Anything less than pure acceptance as they are is dualistic and thus serves to perpetuate the conflict. Acceptance without any desire or intent to change, on the other hand, has the effect of causing that very change which is not possible through dualistic intension. It happens as a natural harmonic agreement resonance between all parties involved. This is due to the fact that when you are able to freely be whom you are without resistance, there is nothing to push back or fight against. There is, therefore, no dualistic opposition created.

Dualistic balance requires equal measures of resistance at all times, so that the greater the resistance on one “side” will produce an equal measure of resistance on the other “side,” in order to maintain a state of energy equilibrium. Unity Consciousness balance requires no resistance in any form so as to maintain a state of energy equilibrium. Each is a state of balance as defined by the perception of the consciousnesses involved.

The agreement to shift from an “illusionary” experience of Sovereignty though dualistic separation to a “true” experience of Sovereignty through unity has already been made by the collective consciousness as a whole. How your individual consciousness experiences this shift is according to the measure by degree of your individual consciousness’s perceptual resistance to this agreement. All descriptions and understandings of this experience are therefore valid and correct without contradiction.

Original photo by Rishabh Dharmani on Unsplash (modified)

